25% of 65 year old women in the United States are diagnosed with osteoporosis which means a loss of 50- 75% of the bone from the skeleton. Today, more deaths are caused by osteoporosis than cancer of the breast and cervix combined. Unfortunately, the loss of calcium & other minerals from the bones is a gradual process which goes on steadily for a long time before it becomes evident until signs like loose teeth, receding gums, a fractured hip or rib. Contrary to popular belief, it is not only about the amount of calcium in the diet but the acidity or pH of the body that leeches calcium out of the bones. African Bantu women consume 350 mg of calcium per day, bear nine children during their lifetime & breast feed them for two years. They never have calcium deficiency, seldom break a bone, rarely lose a tooth... How can they do that on 350 mg of calcium a day when the National Dairy Council recommendation is 1200 mg? Contrary to popular belief, it is not only about the amount of calcium in the diet but the acidity or pH of the body that leeches calcium out of the bones. It is essential to also look at vitamin D, magnesium & trace minerals as well as reducing acidic sugars, alcohol, refined white flour products while increasing vegetables and fruit to provide these minerals.