Wednesday, December 23, 2009

American College Refuses to Graduate Obese Students

Lincoln University has introduced a unique way of tackling obesity. In 2006, the Pennsylvania university introduced its Fitness for Life program with the aim of encouraging students to lose weight. The premise was that if a student had a body mass index (BMI) of above 30, which indicates obesity, then they should take some college-sanctioned steps to show they had lost weight or at least tried -- or they cannot graduate. This year around 30 students are unlikely to graduate because they have not taken steps to reduce their BMI. BBC News November 27, 2009 CNN November 30, 2009

Can These Household Chemicals Crush Your Son's Masculinity?

Elevated levels of two plastic-softening chemicals in pregnant women's urine are linked to less-masculine play behavior by their sons several years later, according to a study published in the International Journal of Andrology. Phthalates, which are used in everything from vinyl floors to plastic tubing and soaps and lotions, are pervasive in the environment and have increasingly become associated with changes in development of the male brain as well as with genital defects, metabolic abnormalities and reduced testosterone in babies and adults. Obviously pregnant women as well as all of us, need to become more health conscious and avoid the use of plastics and chemicals. To read more, International Journal of Andrology November 16, 2009 [Epub Ahead of Print]

Alcohol & Breastfeeding

For the health and safe development of their babies, mothers avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy, according to the World Health Organisation guidelines of NO alocohol in pregnancy due to its teratogenic effects. However, many women want to drink again during the baby's first year of life when they are breastfeeding. Obviously not drinking alcohol during breastfeeding is the safest. Knowing the facts about how alcohol affects breastfeeding will help in deciding how best to combine breastfeeding with drinking some alcohol. As a general rule, it takes 2 hours for an average woman to get rid of the alcohol from 1 standard drink, 4 hours for 2 drinks, 6 hours for 3 drinks etc. It is best to avoid all alcohol in the 1st month after the birth. What & how much you have eaten, your weight, how quickly you are drinking, the strength & amount of alcohol in your drink all affects this. Expressing breastmilk will NOT reduce the amount of alcohol in your breastmilk, only time does but this is a way of relieving the breast engorgement until you can breatfeed again (& obviously throwing this breastmilk away). Breastmilk with a small amount of alcohol is still better than formula for your baby. Express milk ahead of time & freeze it. Your milk flow will reduce while drinking alcohol but this will rectify once your body has cleared the alcohol. Both you & your baby may not sleep as well as usual, falling asleep faster but waking up sooner. Arrange for someone who is not affected by alcohol to look after your baby and never sleep with your baby in your bed if you have drunk alcohol. Contrary to popular belief, stout or Guiness does not improve breastmilk supply but stops the milk flowing freely so the milk stays in the breast, giving the false impression that breasts are making more milk. To read more,

Regular Vitamin C Reduces Gallstone Risk

A recent stuy in the Journal of Gastroenterology found that those with regular vitamin C supplementation had half the gallstone prevalence than those who did not supplement with vitamin C. To read more, Walcher T, et al. Vitamin C supplement use may protect against gallstones, BMC Gastrolenterol 2009 Oct 8:9(1):74

Fair Skin No Advantage for Vitamin D from Sun

UVB (ultraviolet B) radiation increases serum vitamin D. Previously it was thought that dark skinned people produced very little vitamin D in their skin from the sun as the melanin acts as a blockout. However, a study in the Joural of Dermatology Oct 8, 2009 found no differences in vitamin D increase after UVB exposure for both fair and dark skinned participants. They did find, however, that the higher the cholesterol of participants, the greater the increase in vitamin D.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Television Watching Creates Obesity

New Zealand researchers found that children who watch television is a better predictor of obesity than what they eat or how much they exercise. The study found that 41% of the children who were overweight by age 26 were those who had watched the most TV.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Large Thighs Good For Your Heart

A newly released study begun in 1987 measured height, weight, thigh, hip, waist circumference & body composition of subjects. After 13 years it was found people with thighs <45cm>60cm these benefits were lost. Bigger thighs, but not overweight, carry more muscle so are less likely to become insulin resistant and devleop diabetes.

Sweat With a Friend

When you exercise, happiness hormones are released by the body, giveing you a natural high. However, research at the University of Oxford shows that your pain tolerance is higher if you exercise with a friend or in a group, producing greater production of feel-good endorphins!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Can Blood Flow Restriction in your Neck Cause MS?

A surgeon has discovered that almost 100% of people with MS have a narrowing, twisting or outright blockage of the veins that are supposed to flush blood from the brain, allowing excess iron to accumulate in the brain. Zamboni called the vein disorder he discovered CCSVI, or Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency. Of all the patients upon whom they have performed endovascular surgery, there was a decrease in the number of new MS attacks, a big reduction in the number of brain lesions that define MS, and improved quality of life. Because the surgery freed the blood flow, the team have called the procedure "The Liberation Treatment." To read more,

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Beware of "Greenwashing"

In the past five years, there's been an explosion of products marketed as "green" & good for the environment. But some of these green claims are far from accurate. Critics call the marketing practice "greenwashing" - a way to attract customers by labeling products as eco-friendly when they may not be. Examples include 1. Hyping what has been taken out of a product eg. One shaving cream product, for example, claims it has no CFCs -- chlorofluorocarbons. But CFCs were actually banned in 1978; if the product did contain CFCs, it would be illegal; 2. Not providing proof eg. a brand of drinking glasses claims recycled content - but fails to explain how much , or what the source is; 3. Environmental trade-offs, eg. One type of water bottle does use 30% less plastic than other bottles but the product is imported from overseas; 4. Self-made seals, from companies that put their own stamps on their packages instead of one awarded by a neutral third party eg.brand of cleaner has a green leaf seal but all it means is that the symbol has been put there by the company; 5. Products that are not up to environmental standards eg. One company advertised a refrigerator as Energy Star compliant, but then acknowledged it was not.

Green Tea Extracts Protect From Oral Cancer

Extracts from green tea may prevent the formation of mouth cancers in people with risk signs of the disease, according to a new study from the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. To read more,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Avoid Swimming Pools if You Have Allergies or Asthma

Swimming in a chlorinated pool may boost the odds that a child susceptible to asthma & allergies will develop these problems. Chlorinated pools irritate the airways of swimmers, exerting a strong additive effect on the development of asthma and respiratory allergies such as hay fever & allergic rhinitis. The impact of chlorinated pools on the respiratory health of children & adolescents appears to be much more important -- at least by a factor of 5 -- than that associated with second hand smoke. Pediatrics October 2009;124(4):1110-8

Mounting Debilities & Deaths From Swine Flu Vaccination

In USA numerous people have reported serious side effects after receiving the Swine Flu vaccination including the development of Guillian-Barre Syndrome which involves muscle paralysis and inability to walk. Swedish, Japanese, and Chinese health officials have also reported a number of serious side effects, including deaths of people who received the H1N1 vaccine. Among those inoculated so far, more than 1,200 have complained of side effects ranging from sore arms, rashes, and headaches, to anaphylactic shock and sudden drops in blood pressure. To read more, Time November 15, 2009, ABC News November 17, 2009, The Japan Times October 25, 2009,The Digital Journal October 28, 2009, NBC Washington News November 26, 2009
MSNBC November 12, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Timing Affects Breast Cancer Surgery

According to a study from the United States, "Breast cancer relapse and death occur more often and sooner among young pre-menopausal women. Breast cancer resected during luteal phase cures about a quarter more women than if the operation is performed during follicular phase." To read more, Oh et al. Discovery of candidate genes and pathways that may help explain fertility cycle stage dependent post-resection breast cancer outcome. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2009;118(2):345-359. do:10.1007/s10549-008-0253-5).

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chaste Tree & St John's Wort Benefits Menopause

A randomised, double-blind trial conducted in Australia involved 100 late-perimenopausal or postmenopausal women experiencing hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms. The women received MediHerb Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) and MediHerb St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) or placebo for 16 weeks. Preliminary results suggest they relieve PMS-like symptoms in late perimenopausal women.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

ADHD Guidelines Pulled as Drug Company Payment Scandal

Controversial guidelines on ADHD have been pulled by the Federal Government following claims drug company payments to a doctor cast doubt over the draft's validity after one of the psychiatrists, whose research into anti-psychotic drugs helped form the guidelines, was accused of failing to reveal payments from drug companies. US-based child psychiatrist Dr Joseph Biederman is under investigation in America by authorities who have uncovered $1.6 million in payments. The US Congress investigation has found Dr Biederman failed to declare where all the money came from & has breached federal and Harvard University research laws.

Dangers of Canned Foods

The food processing world is reeling after a shocking new series of tests released by Consumer Reports revealed that many leading brands of canned foods contain Bisphenol A (BPA)—a toxic chemical linked to health risks including reproductive abnormalities, neurological effects, heightened risk of breast and prostate cancers, diabetes, heart disease and other serious health problems. BPA is used in the lining of cans and the toxin leaches from the lining into the food. According to Consumer Reports just a couple of servings of canned food can exceed scientific limits on daily exposure for children.

Dangers of Bisphenol A (BPA)

Research by the University of Rochester, published in the Journal of Andrology, found that males exposed to phthalates (found in dental sealants, composite fillings, soft plastic water bottles, baby bottles, vinyl flooring & PVC shower curtains) found a reduction in testosterone, feminizing their behavior. Male babies exposed to high levels of these chemicals, used to soften plastic, are much less likely to play typical boys’ games as they mature. A study funded by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health found that Chinese factory workers exposed to BPA had four times the risk of erectile dysfunction and seven times the risk of ejaculation difficulty. BPA leaches into food in nearly all metal containers (these cans are lined in soft plastic), even those cans marked “BPA-free” or “Organic.”

High Rate of Osteoporosis

25% of 65 year old women in the United States are diagnosed with osteoporosis which means a loss of 50- 75% of the bone from the skeleton. Today, more deaths are caused by osteoporosis than cancer of the breast and cervix combined. Unfortunately, the loss of calcium & other minerals from the bones is a gradual process which goes on steadily for a long time before it becomes evident until signs like loose teeth, receding gums, a fractured hip or rib. Contrary to popular belief, it is not only about the amount of calcium in the diet but the acidity or pH of the body that leeches calcium out of the bones. African Bantu women consume 350 mg of calcium per day, bear nine children during their lifetime & breast feed them for two years. They never have calcium deficiency, seldom break a bone, rarely lose a tooth... How can they do that on 350 mg of calcium a day when the National Dairy Council recommendation is 1200 mg? Contrary to popular belief, it is not only about the amount of calcium in the diet but the acidity or pH of the body that leeches calcium out of the bones. It is essential to also look at vitamin D, magnesium & trace minerals as well as reducing acidic sugars, alcohol, refined white flour products while increasing vegetables and fruit to provide these minerals.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Effect of Bite Size & Meal Duration on Food Intake

Research shows that significantly more is consumed when bite sizes are large (about 15 g) than when they are small (about 5 g). More is also consumed when oral processing time is short
(3 seconds) rather than long (9 seconds). Eating slowly and taking small bites may help reduce food
intake. To read more, Zijlstra N, de Wijk RA, Mars M et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 90(2): 269-275.

A Mobile Phone on Your Hip Weakens Your Bones

The researchers found that bone mineral density was lowered on the side of the pelvis where the mobile phones were carried. The findings raise the possibility that bone density could be adversely affected by electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones. To read more,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bran or Psyllium husks improves IBS?

New trial shows that soluble fibre (that absorbs water and softens becoming mucilaginous) like psyllium husks improves IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, more than insoluble fibre eg, bran. To read more, Bijkerk CJ, de Wit NJ, Muris JW et al. BMJ 2009; 339(7721): 613-615.

Improvements in Insulin Response Decreased by Low Thyroid

A low thyroid function could explain why some individuals do not respond to changes in diet and exercise in order to lower their insulin resistance. To read more, Amati F, Dubé JJ, Stefanovic-Racic M et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2009; 41(2): 265-269.

Oral Contraceptive Pill and Cancers other than Female Reproductive Organs

Current, but not past, oral contraceptive use is associated with substantially increased risk of benign liver tumours & modestly increased risk of liver cancer. The association with liver cancer was smaller for recent, low-dose oral contraceptive use. There was no evidence of an association between oral contraceptive use & lung cancer, thyroid cancer, cutaneous malignant melanoma, other digestive neoplasms, renal cell carcinoma, neuroblastoma or Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. To read more, La Vecchia C, Bosetti C. Eur J Cancer Prev 2009; 18(5): 407-411.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ginkgo Effective for PMS

The efficacy of 120 mg/day of Ginkgo biloba standardised extract for the amelioration of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) was assessed in a randomised, single blind, placebo controlled clinical trial. There was a significant decrease in the overall severity of symptoms & both
physical & psychological symptoms, especially of breast soreness & congestion. To read more, Ozgoli G, Selselei EA, Mojab F et al. J Alt Comp Med 2009; 15(8):845-851

Ginkgo as Effective as Donepezil in Alzheimer’s Disease

A randomised, double blind clinical trial was undertaken to compare a Ginkgo biloba standardised extract (GBSE) against donepezil in patients with confirmed Alzheimer’s disease (AD) also exhibiting neuropsychiatric symptoms. The true potential of this study is the suggestion that combining Ginkgo with donepezil might improve treatment outcomes and lower side
effects as the majority of patients given Ginkgo in the real world are already taking donepezil. To read more, Yancheva S, Ihl R, Nikolova G et al. Aging Ment Health 2009;
13(2): 183-190.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Dangers of Antiperspirant Deodorants

Sweating is your body’s mechanism to cool down. Sweat has no odor; the familiar unpleasant odor is caused by bacteria that live on our skin. These bacteria metabolize the proteins and fatty acids from our sweat, causing body odor. Deodorants deal with the smell by neutralizing it and by killing the bacteria that metabolize the proteins and fatty acids. Antiperspirants on the other hand, try to prevent sweating by blocking the pores using aluminum. Without sweat, the bacteria cannot metabolize proteins and fatty acids that cause body odor. However, Aluminium is absorbed by the skin and is a well-known toxic heavy metal or neurotoxin. These antiperspirants were only invented in the last 50 years which corresponds with the dramatic increase in breast cancer. Obviously this is not the only cause of breast cancer but could well be a major contributing factor as it is usually women who shave or wax their armpits, exposing themselves to increased aluminium absorption. To read more,

Gammaretrovirus Thought To Be Important Cause of Chronic Fatigue

Called XMRV, it has been discovered in people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. The new study provided overwhelming evidence that XMRV is a human gammaretrovirus — the third human retrovirus (after H.I.V. & human lymphotropic viruses, which cause leukemia & lymphoma). Infection is permanent & it can spread from person to person (though it is not yet known how the virus is transmitted). However, not everyone infected with XMRV will necessarily get chronic fatigue syndrome — in the same way that not all people infected with HIV will get AIDS. To read more,

Mammograms now at 50, not 40 in USA

Most women should start regular breast cancer screening at age 50, not 40, according to new guidelines released Monday. The new recommendations reverse longstanding guidelines and are aimed at reducing harm from radiation overtreatment. It also says women age 50 to 74 should have mammograms less frequently -- every 2 years, rather than every year. To read more,

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Kelloggs & Uncle Tobys Cereals Full of Sugar

New research confirms what consumers have long known -- most breakfast cereals advertised to children are full of sugar. Cereals marketed to kids have 85 percent more sugar, 65 percent less fiber and 60 percent more sodium than those aimed at adults. In fact, the least nutritious cereals are often the most heavily marketed to children with leading brands like Kelloggs and Uncle Tobys topping the list. Avoid any cereal made by these global brands where qualityof food and health are certainly not a priority. Interesting to note, even Special K came up on the top 10 worst cereals list!
To read more, and

Friday, November 6, 2009

Teflon Cookware Toxicity

Clearly the most popular choice in cookware and bakeware today is Teflon™ and other nonstick pans. But Teflon is made from perfluorooctanoic acid(PFOA), a synthetic chemical which has been shown in research to cause toxic changes to many of your body's organs & stimulate tumor growth. Toxic fumes from Teflon™ release into the air at relatively low cooking temperatures, adding yet another entry point of this dangerous chemical into your body. All gourmet cooks & chefs know this & certainly do not use it. It is best to use Stainless steel, glass cookware or ceramic. Avoid cast iron & aluminium due to heavy metal toxicity leeching into your food as well.

Orange Juice Scam

One of the great scams of the industrial food cartel is the so-called "fresh" orange juice sold in supermarkets. Some reality checks:
  1. There is more vitamin c in a single orange than in a full glass of bottled orange juice.
  2. Bottled juices have been pasteurised so that it is exposed to high temperatures which destroy any vitamin C, leaving a sugary drink that is high glycaemic.
  3. Truly fresh orange juice only lasts a few days. Bottled orange juice contains preservatives so that it lasts for weeks (or months), that are synthetic chemicals & difficult for your liver to break down & to which people often have allergies to eg. 220.
  4. Until orange growers launched a campaign in the early 20th century to deal with their surplus crop, people did not drink orange juice regularly. There is nothing particularly healthy or natural about drinking orange juice.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Low Vitamin D Linked to Breast Cancer Risk

The results of studies indicate that sufficient endogenous vitamin D levels may have a protective function on mammary cells, reducing breast cancer risk. When vitamin D levels are reduced for a long period, the mammary cell physiology may be altered including local 1,25(OH)2D synthesis & the regulation of growth factors and other hormones. Perez-Lopez et al, Reprod Sci 2009 Jan; 16(1): 7-19.

People on Cholesterol-Lowering Medication with Muscle Pain Are Deficient in Vitamin D

Patients with statin-induced muscle pain had lower blood levels of vitamin D and the muscle pain was reversed by vitamin D supplementation to correct a deficiency. Ahmed W et al, Transl Res 2009 Jan; 153(1):11-16.

Obesity: an Abnormal Adaptive Winter Response Triggered by Low Vitamin D?

A fall in Vitamin D has been shown in studies thta it may be the stimulus for the winter response of accumulation of fat mass. Thererfore it may be possible to reverse the increasing prevalence of obesity by improving vitamin D status. Foss YJ, Med Hypotheses 2009 Mar;72(3):314-321.

Low Vitamin D Levels in Blood Correlate with Asthma Severity in Children

Research has shown that vitamin D deficiency in children aged 6-14 years of age is associated with increased markers of allergy and asthma. If you have children with asthma or allergies, get a blood test done with your doctor: need >80. Brehm JM et al, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009 May 1;179(9):765-771.

Expectant Mums Reduce Infant Allergy With Fish Oils

Research has shown that Omega 3 supplementation in pregnancy & lactation can decrease the risk of food allergy and IgE-associated eczema during the 1st year of life in infants with a family history of allergic disease. Furuhjelm C et al Acta Paediatr 2009 Sep;98(9):1461-1467.

Swine Flu Vaccine in Sweden

Yesterday Sweden started releasing the Swine Flu vaccine and has already had 190 people experiencing such severe side effects that the needed hospitalisation. As usual, this is most likely only the tip of a rather large iceberg. Also 1 person has died after the vaccine injection but authorities are denying any “direct relation with the injection” as yet. The biggest medical scandal in the history of Sweden has just started. What about the rest of the world? Safety requirements for vaccine development and testing procedures before release to the public have been reduced to speed up the vaccine into public use, with much higher levels of mercury allowed than normal vaccines.

What You Didn't Know About Fiji Water

Fiji's military junta has been declared unconstitutional by the country's second highest court; in response, it has abolished the judiciary, banned unauthorized public gatherings, delayed elections until 2014, and clamped down on the media.

The slogan on Fiji Water's website -- "And remember this, we saved you a trip to Fiji" -- seems like a dark joke to those who are aware of the conditions there. Fiji Water is now America's leading imported water. The company has spent millions pushing its environmental credibility and charity work.

But nowhere in Fiji Water's glossy marketing materials will you find reference to the typhoid outbreaks that plague Fijians because of the island's faulty water supplies, the corporate entities that Fiji Water has set up in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg, or the fact that its signature bottle is made from Chinese plastic in a diesel-fueled plant and hauled thousands of miles. And, of course, you won't find mention of the military junta for which Fiji Water is a major source of global recognition and legitimacy. To read more,

Monday, October 26, 2009

Daily Sweets & Chocolate in Childhood Linked to Violence in Adulthood

Research shows children who eat sweets and chocolate every day are more likely to be violent as adults. To read more, BBC News September 30, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

10 Best Pollution Filter Houseplants

Houseplants have been shown to filter indoor air by removing toxins and particles. Tests done by NASA showed markedly better air quality and they may also offer some protection against electromagnetic radiation. The top 10 plants include the Feston Rose plant, Devil’s Ivy, Phalaenopsis, English Ivy, Parlor Ivy, African Violets, Christmas Cactus, Yellow Goddess, Garlic Vine, Peace Lily. To read more, The New Ecologist July 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is Your Beauty Routine Causing Long-Term Health Damage?

Do you enjoy a shampoo with a rich lather? A shaving cream that really foams? Relaxing in a tub full of bubbles? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate & Sodium Myreth Sulfate produce a lot of foam very inexpensively. But SLS is so strong that it's also used to scrub garage floors. Studies show it stays in the body for up to five days, it easily penetrates the skin and enters and maintains residual levels in the heart, liver, the lungs, and the brain and is another chemical associated with cancer long-term. Use SLS-free products or the old bar soap. To read more, Organic Consumers Association October 1, 2009
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, November 10, 1997

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chia Seeds: New Superfood

Chia seeds have been consumed by Native Americans, Mayans & Aztecs but are now grown in Western Australia & are widely available in health food stores. They are very high in Omega 3 oils, approx. 20% protein (complete with all amino acids), B vitamins, calcium & other minerals, antioxidants. They absorb more than 9x their weight in water, forming a gel which slows down their digestion & thus, are low glycaemic, lower cholesterol & high in soluble fibre so good for constipation as well as preventing colon cancer. You only need 1tsp-1Tb/day added to cereal, porridge, smoothies, yoghurt, juices or gel once soaked in glass of water for 1/2 hr can be added to sauces as thickener.

Anti-Depressants SSRI in Pregnancy Damages Foetus

New study confirms earlier reports of doubling of risk for septal heart defects in newborn babies after early exposure in pregnancy to SSRI anti-depressants, especially in the 1st trimester. To read more, Pedersen LH et al. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pregnancy and congenital malformations: Population based cohort study. BMJ 2009 Sep 23; 339:b3569. (; Chambers C. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and congenital malformations. BMJ 2009 Sep 23; 339:b3525. (

Vitamin D Doubles Colon Cancer Survival

Higher blood levels of vitamin D may double survival rates of colorectal cancer patients, according to a new study. Next time you see your GP ask for a blood test of vitamin D and your level should be at least >80; anythign less than this is deficient. To read more, British Journal of Cancer September 15, 2009; 101(6):916-23

Artifical Sweeteners More Dangerous Than You Ever Imagined

Nutrasweet & Equal are the brand names for Aspartame found in any "diet" product & is 180 times as sweet as sugar. Documented side effects include migraines, convulsions & seizures, mood disorders, skin rash & hives, insomnia, abdominal cramps & pain, nausea, diarrhoea & vomiting, fatigue & muscle weakness, dizziness & poor equilibrium, joint pain, hallucintaions, memory loss, changes in heart rate, depression, vision changes, neuropsychiatric disorders, epilepsy, cancerous cell changes as well as increased risk of brain & spinal cord cancer in babies whose mothers consumed aspartame during pregnancy or breastfeeding. To read more, National Cancer Institute SEER Program Data, Jellinger, K.E. et al. “Primary Central Nervous System Lymphomas: An Update” J Nat Cancer Inst 84 (1992): 414-422; Gurney, J.G., Pogoda, J.M., and Holly, E.A. “Aspartame Consumption in Relation to Childhood Brain Tumor Risk: Results from a Case-Control Study” Natl Cancer Inst 89 (1997): 1072-1074

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Importance Of Iodine

According to Professor Creswell Eastman at Westmead Hospital, most people in Australia are iodine deficient. Unfortunately, just replacing salt with iodised salt will not meet the optimum daily intake levels for the average adult & certainly not for pregnant women. The most reliable source of iodine outside of supplements comes from consumption of oysters, seaweed & salt water fish. Use dried seaweed such as seaweed sprinkles available from health food stores or nori, toasted in sheets in the oven & crumbled into salads - the salty flavour is great with potatoes, noodles and seafood bisques or paella. When seeking out ocean fish, avoid bluefin tuna and opt for leatherjacket or ocean jacket, mackerel, sardines. 3 serves of seafood and seaweed/wk is sufficient. To read more,

FDA Warns About Eyelash Thickener Claims

Many women who used to use eyelash extensions are now using eyelash thickeners and exposing themselves to risks. To read more,

Hepatitis B Vaccine Triples the Risk of Autism in Infant Boys

A new study has shown that giving Hepatitis B vaccine to newborn baby boys more than triples their risk of developing an autism spectrum disorder. To read more, Annals of Epidemiology September 2009: 19(9); 659

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lack of Sleep Contributes to High Blood Pressure

Shorter sleep duration was associated with significantly increased risk of elevated systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Margaret Thatcher famously got by on just four hours of sleep but most adults typically need between seven and nine hours of sleep. To read more, Knutson KL et al. 1. Arch Intern Med 2009; 169(11): 1055-61

What's All the Hype About Acai Berries?

There are ludicrous and over-inflated claims about this tiny South American berry but reading the resaerch it does have high antioxidant potential, essential fatty acids, complete amino acid (protein) profile, high in nutrients eg. more vitamin C than blueberries. What's important is the source and manufacture - don't bother with liquid drinks or tablets, only use freeze dried 100% acai powder.

Muscle is Hard to Build and Easy to Lose

As you age, it becomes harder to keep your muscles. However, weight training may "rejuvenate" muscle blood flow and help retain muscle for older people. To read more, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition September 9, 2009

Why Vegetables Makes You Smarter

Researchers have found that individuals with a high daily intake of vegetables and fruits also demonstrate higher cognitive performance. Note: vegetables are mentioned first because they are FAR more important than fruits. Subjects with a high intake (about 400 grams per day) had higher antioxidant levels, lower indicators of free radical-induced damage, and better cognitive performance. The findings were independent of age, gender, body mass index, and level of education. To read more, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease August 2009: 17(4); 921-927

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Natural Sweetener Stevia Approved for Use in Foods

Finally Australian Food Authorities have approved Stevia, a natural sweetener, which up until recently, was only available in health food stores. As an alternative to sugar & dangerous artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame, Sucralose or Saccharin, stevia is an all natural kilojoule-free sweetener, a herb that South American native tribes have been using for generations. It is extremely resistant to heat, can be used for cooking & baking, sweetens up to 300 times more than traditional sugar, helps prevent dental plaque, is fluoride-compatible and contains no calories or carbohydrates.

Allergy Linked to Obesity in Children and Adolescents

New research has uncovered that obesityin childhood and adolescence increases inflammation and allergy risks. To read more, Visness CM, London SJ, Daniels JL, Kaufman JS, Yeatts KB, Siega-Riz AM, et al. Association of obesity with IgE levels and allergy symptoms in children and adolescents: results from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey 2005-2006. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009 May;123(5):1163-1169.

Vitamin A Low in Asthmatic Adults & Children

Asthma risk and severity inceases in both adults and children if they are deficient in vitamins A & C. Vitamin A is essential for lung development and retards against lung inflammation. To read more, Allen S, Britton JR, Leonardi-Bee JA. Association between antioxidant vitamins and asthma outcome measures: a systemic review and meta-analysis. Thorax 2009 Jul;64(7):610-619; Al Senaidy AM. Serum vitamin A and beta-carotene levels in children with asthma. J Asthma 2009 Sep;46(7):699-702

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Research Highlights More Mobile Phone Dangers

Recent research has finally proven that using a cell phone for 10/> years doubles the risk of a brain tumor on the same side of the head as that preferred for cell phone use. There were also findings of:

  • A nearly 300% increase in the incidence of genetic damage when human blood cells were exposed to radiation in the cellular frequency band

  • A 60% greater chance of acoustic neuromas, a tumor affecting the nerve that controls hearing, among people who had used cell phones for 6 years/>

  • A higher rate of brain cancer deaths among handheld mobile phone users than among car phone users (car phones are mounted on the dashboard rather than held next to your head)

  • Animals exposed to mobile phone waves suffered breakage of DNA strands– the type of genetic alterations that can lead to cancer, cell death and mutagenic problems.

To read more, Reuters September 14, 2009 ABC News September 14, 2009

Surgical Neurology September 2009;72(3):205-14

HRT Doubles the Risk Of Lung Cancer

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, have discovered that treatment with estrogen and progestin (the traditional synthetic prescription hormone replacement therapy, delivered in a combination of Premarin and Provera, also known as Prempro) increases the number of deaths from lung cancer. Published in the The Lancet (Sept 2009), it is argued that because Prempro shows no protection against coronary heart disease, it is questionable whether hormone replacement therapy should be used at all.To read more,

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Over-Diagnosis in PSA Screening

Analysis from the American National Cancer Institute suggests that over 1 million men were incorrectly diagnosed via PSA for prostate cancer and underwent radiation and surgery unnecessarily between 1987 and 2005. The Chief Medical Officer of the American Cancer Society suggests to simply monitor increasing levels of PSA before jumping into radical medical intervention as this is unacceptable given the long term side effects of such therapy. This is where herbal medicines can certainly play a strategic intervening role. To read more, Welch HG and Albertsen PC. Prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment after the introduction of prostate-specific antigen screening: 1986-2005. J Natl Cancer Inst 2009 Aug 31; [e-pub ahead of print]. (; Brawley OW. Prostate cancer screening: Is this a teachable moment? J Natl Cancer Inst 2009 Aug 31; [e-pub ahead of print]. (

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Grain Fed vs Grass Fed Meat

Grain fed beef is now touted as premium meat but the reality is far from it! A US study found that beef from grass fed cattle contained almost double the quantities of beta-carotene, almost three times the amount of Vitamin E, sixty percent more Omega 3 fatty acids and a more favourable Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio. Grain fed beef contains more trans fats, saturated fat and consequently more calories. Do not be deceived and ask for grass fed beef only! To read more,

Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Swine Flu Deaths

Although we live in Austrlia with eternal sunshine, an amazing number of my clients are low in Vitamin D as they work indoors and wear sunscreen outside. I advise everyone to get their Vitamin D levels tested via a simple blood test with their doctor once a year. Vitamin D is essential for the immune system, mood (depression), neurological disorders (epilepsy, schizophrenia, bipolar, Alzheimer's, cerebral palsy). To read more, &

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Losing Your Hair? Check These Nutrients

Hair loss can be hereditary, hormonal, stress or due to nutrient deficiencies. Make sure you are gettig adequate in your diet and perhaps consider extra suplements: protein (every meal), Iron (get your Ferritin tested by your GP), Zinc (especially if you get sick a lot or have white spots on your nails), B vitamins (needed for energy and in times of stress) To read more,

Do You Eat This Frozen Fish called Pangas?

White Catfish, Vietnamese River Cobbler, Pangasius or Gray Sole is industrially farmed in Vietnam on the Mekong River which is one of the most polluted rivers on the planet due to industries along the river dumping chemicals and industrial waste directly into it. Upon testing, these fish have extroadinarily high levels of toxic and hazardous heavy metals, pollutants, bacteria, PCBs, etc. The fisheries are completely unregulated with the female fish injected with hormones to exponentially increase growth and fertility laying up to 500 000 eggs. The river water itself is extremely toxic in which the fish are frozen. Pangas is now used in frozen fish /crab sticks, fish terrines, some pet foods.

GE Foods Take Their Toll

Fosters beers have warned that they now may contain GE products which includes Carlton, VB, Crown, Harp, Cascade and Corona from imported GE corn. Email Fosters at: to let them know your opinion.

Canada’s flax trade with Europe has come to a grinding halt, as officials try to sort out why an illegal GE flax variety, called CDC Triffid, is showing up in food products.

Australia’s canola exports are likely to be significantly impacted by the change of government in Japan. The Democratic Party of Japan has pledged to implement stringent GE labelling laws which will exclude Australian canola.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Deet Insect Repellent Toxic to Nervous System

Scientists have expressed safety concerns about insect repellents that contain Deet after observing the chemical's toxic effects in mammals.To read more,

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Stressed Parents Increase Asthma Risk

Researchers have found that children of tense parents who lived in polluted areas were far more likely to have asthma than friends in the same neighbourhood. Also, it has already been shown that women who are stressed in pregnany raise the risk of their child developing asthma or other allergies. To read more,

Margarine Linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Experts believe a high intake of polyunsaturated oils like margarine which have been heat treated may be implicated in a third of ulcerative colitis cases. However, a high intake of omega 3 fatty acid found in oily fish such as salmon and herring, reduced the likelihood of developing ulcerative colitis by 77%. To read more,

A Kidney Stone's No 1 Enemy

The single most effective way to prevent and treat kidney stones is to drink enough water. The number one risk factor for kidney stones is dehydration, as it prevents your urine from dissolving minerals and acid salts. Check this by looking at the colour of your urine: ideally it should be a light yellow; if it's dark yellow or even orange, you need to drink more water!

Exercise Fights Fatty Liver Disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common form of chronic liver disease in developed countries. It is associated with obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, and is characterized by elevated liver enzymes. Increasing physical activity leads to health benefits that are independent of changes in weight. To read more,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Doula Testimonial

Having experienced a Doula for the birth of our second child, we employed Claudette as a Doula for the birth of our third child and she far exceeded our expectations. Claudette brought a wealth of practical knowledge, along with incredible emotional and physical support throughout the whole process. Her knowledge of women's health needs and how best to support those needs through pregnancy and birth and beyond was a wonderful addition to her natural calm, kind and compassionate nature. Claudette was available yet never intrusive. We feel very fortunate to have had Claudette help us bring our little Charlie into the world as naturally and calmly as possible. Thank you Claudette!
Judith Hocking & Masahiro Takatsuka, Marrickville, Sydney


4 years ago Claudette gently encouraged me to shift my priorities so that I have completely changed my diet and lifestyle and have never been happier. Claudette arms her clients with the knowledge they need to help themselves, giving them information of areas to further their understanding of what may be affecting them.
Thanks Claudette for all your help.
Louisa Curtis, UK

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is Milk the Best Source of Calcium?

A recent study claims that young adults are not drinking enough milk, media reports alleged. But according to the study’s lead author Nicole Larson, the focus on the study was on calcium, not milk. The words "milk" and "calcium" are often used interchangeably in the press. However, yogurt has more calcium than milk and is easier to digest. Collards and other greens also have about as much or more calcium than milk by the cup. Greens, unlike milk, have the added benefit of vitamin K, also necessary for strong bones. Sesame eg. tahini is also very high in calcium.To read more,

Friday, July 17, 2009

Australian Alcohol Industry Rejects GE Foods

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Venezuela Bans Coke Zero

CARACAS, June 10 (Reuters) - The Venezuelan government of U.S.-critic President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday ordered Coca-Cola Co to withdraw its Coke Zero beverage from the South American nation, citing unspecified dangers to health.To read more,

Friday, July 3, 2009

PSA Prostate Test Contentious As Saves Not Many Lives

Report in The New England Medical Journal of Medicine & study by the National Cancer Institute show PSA blood test, used to screen for prostate cancer, saves few lives & leads to risky & unnecessary treatments for large numbers of men. Cancer experts now say men should carefully consider the possible risks before deciding to have the PSA test. To read more,

Alcohol & Prostate Cancer Link

Research by scientists from Australia, USA & Canada shows men who consume 2 alcoholic drinks a day increase their risk of prostate cancer by 20%, at 3 drinks the risk is 25%, 6 standard drinks is 35%, 8 drinks is 45%. Findings back the new alcohol consumption guidelines of the National Health and Medical Research Council.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Daily Sex Boosts Sperm Quality But Reduces Count

Dr David Greening, from Sydney IVF, speaking at the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology: 8 in 10 men in the study showed a 12% drop in sperm DNA damage (morphology) after 7 days of daily ejaculation. However, there was also a big drop in sperm numbers (count) from 180 million to 70 million, so this would not be recommended for males with a low sperm count to start with. Sperm also became more active with a small rise in motility. The theory is the longer sperm are in the testes the more likely they are to accumulate DNA damage from free radicals and the warm environment could also make them more sluggish. He warns that having daily sex for too long - say a fortnight - would probably cut sperm numbers too much but recommended daily sex around the time the woman is ovulating. To read more,

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Your Diet can Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer

Researchers conducted an evidence-based review of dietary recommendations in the prevention of prostate cancer as well as in the management of patients with prostate cancer. The consumption of tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, green tea, and vitamins including Vitamin E and Selenium seemed to lead to a decreased risk of prostate cancer. Consumption of highly processed or charcoaled meats seemed to be correlated with prostate cancer. To read more,

"Elite Cyclists" Risk Infertility

Researchers found that sperm quality drops dramatically with rigorous training in professional cyclists. The Spanish study of top triathletes found those who cover more than 186 miles (300km) a week on their bikes have less than 4% normal looking sperm. Heat from wearing tight clothing, friction of the testes against the saddle, pressure on the prostate gland and stresses on the body from the sheer amounts of energy needed to do such rigorous exercise, all contribute to poor sperm quality. Antioxidants to counter these effects was suggested and modifying training regimes to aid recovery. To read more,

Friday, June 26, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No Rush to Lose Extra Baby Kilos

Trying to copy celebrities who are back in skinny jeans weeks after giving birth is unrealistic and dangerous, new mothers are being warned. It can take women six months or even a year, not weeks, to shed the weight they put on in pregnancy, say experts. Crash diets and intensive exercise programmes are not only likely to fail but can harm mother and baby.To read more,

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Turneric in Curry Eaten Once a Week Helps Prevent Dementia

The key ingredient is curcumin, a component of the spice turmeric. Curcumin appears to prevent the spread of amyloid protein plaques - thought to cause dementia - in the brain. To read more,

Easy Ways to Prevent Kidney Stones

Simply drinking more water helps keep your kidneys flushing and prevent stones from precipitating out. In the Middle East, kidney stone rates are nearly double what they are in the U.S., due to the warmer climate. A 1999 South African study found that drinking soft drinks increases the risk of kidney stones as is a diet high in sugar and processed salt. To read more,

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Green tea 'slow prostate cancer'

A chemical found in green tea appears to slow the progression of prostate cancer & reduces PSA levels as well as the known benefits to heart disease, cancer & Alzheimer's disease. To read more,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

ADHD drug Ritalin associated with Heart Attacks in Children

Stimulant drugs such as Ritalin commonly given for ADHD are associated with an increase in sudden unexplained deaths in young people aged 7-19 years, according to a retrospective case-control study published online by the American Journal of Psychiatry. The American Heart Association recommended in April 2009 that children routinely be given electrocardiograms before receiving drugs for attention deficit /hyperactivity disorder.

Anti-Cancer Boost from Whole Carrots

The anti-cancer properties of carrots are more potent if the vegetable is not cut up before cooking, research shows. To read more,

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Men Warned of Cancer Risk Unless they Improve their Diet & Lifestyle

The reluctance of men to adopt a healthy lifestyle and visit the doctor may be fuelling a gender gap in cancer cases and deaths, experts say. Among cancers which affect both sexes, men are 60% more likely to develop the disease and 70% more likely to die from it, Cancer Research UK said. There is no known biological reason for this but it may be because women take better care of themselves, they said.To read more,

Obesity Operations Raise Fracture Risk

People who have obesity operations, such as gastric bypasses or banding, double their risk of suffering fractures, US research suggests. To read more,

Monday, June 15, 2009

What Exercise Reduces your Cancer Risk by 40%?

Muscular strength gained by resistance training or weight training at least 2 days a week reduces cancer risk by 40%. To read more, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 18, 1468, May 1, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

Nasal Irrigation to relieve Sinus, Hayfever, Allergies

Before reaching for expensive medicated allergy remedies, try nasal irrigation that is easy, gentle, inexpensive and really works: washing out your nasal passages once or twice daily with warm salt water to remove irritants such as pollens, dust, mould, etc. You can purchase a bulb syringe, the traditional Ayurvedic neti pot or a modern, easy-to-use, natural nasal wash bottle:

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Could your iPhone be the most dangerous mobile phone yet?

Brain cancer recently surpassed leukemia as the number 1 cancer killer in children. Dr Charlie Tia, preeminent Australian neurosurgeon, believes a significant contributing factor in the exponential increase in pediatric brain tumors is excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from mobile phones and other electrical and electronic equipment and appliances. iPhones seem to be the worst offenders because even when you’re not using your iPhone but have it on, it still operates as a base station, transmitting radiation to; you tend to use your iPhone more than other mobiles due to their amazing plethora of applications; data waves from iPhones affect your biology, altering intercellular communication. To read more,

Daily Probiotic Supplements Reduce Infantile Eczema & Allergy by 58%

A new study has found daily probiotic supplements like acidophilus and Lactobacillus reduced eczema (atopic dermatitis) and allergies in babies and children by 58% when given to the mother for the last trimester of pregnancy and the baby's first 6 months of life. To read more,

Fish oil can Prevent and 'Halt Eye Disease'

According to findings published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, Omega-3 fats found in fish like mackerel, sardines, trout, cod and salmon appear to slow and even halt the progress of both early and late stage macular degeneration (AMD). Research found that omega 3 oils cut the risk of getting AMD by a third as well as benefiting patients who already have the disease. It was suggested people should eat oily fish at least twice a week. To read more,

Alzheimer's & Dementia Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency

Although it is hard to believe that Australians would be deficient in vitamin D given our neverending sunshine, many clients on having a blood test are actually very deficient as they work inside all day. Recent studies have correlated vitamin D deficiency with increased risk of Alzheimer's disease as well as with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, depression, dental caries, osteoporosis, and periodontal disease. To read more,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Drinking Soft Drink Can Paralyze You

Excessive soft drink consumption can lead to anything from mild weakness to profound muscle paralysis, doctors are warning. This is because soft drinks can cause blood potassium to drop dangerously low, reported in the International Journal of Clinical Practice. They cited an Australian ostrich farmer who needed emergency care for lung paralysis and a pregnant woman who developed an irregular heart beat due to soft drink consumption. To read more,

The International Journal of Clinical Practice May 13, 2009; 63(6); 833-835

Apple Cider Vinegar Reduces Diabetes , Insulin Resistance & Helps Weight Loss

In 2004, the American Diabetes Foundation found in a study that 2 Tb of vinegar before meals significantly increased insulin sensitivity and reduced insulin and glucose spikes after meals in both diabetic, prediabetic and healthy groups which in turn resulted in significant weight loss. To read more,

Children who get Flu Vaccine have 3x risk of Hospitalization for flu

The inactivated flu vaccine does not appear to be effective in preventing influenza-related hospitalizations in children, especially for children with asthma. In fact, children who get the flu vaccine are 3x at risk of hospitalization than those who do not, according to new research from the International Conference of American Thoracic Society, 19 May 2009. To read more,

Friday, June 5, 2009

Eating Curry may help ward off Alzheimer's Disease

New research highlights the antioxidant effects of turmeric found in curry powder and paste so that regular curry eaters have a decreased prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease later in life. It is also very protective of your liver! To read more,

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Where does your Fish oil come from?

Most Australian Omega 3 oils come from farmed fish which is quite low in the active constituents EPA and DHA. In the Australian newspaper on 26th May 2009, it was reported that toxic agricultural chemicals have been detected in a Queensland hatchery that "has been plagued by dead and deformed fish". The chemical sprays come from the local macadamia farm. This is why it is essential to take only wild caught, molecularly distilled, sardine and anchovy Omega 3 oil that I prescribe, not commercial/retail fish oil.

Doctors now warning patients to avoid Genetically Modified foods

More and more doctors are prescribing GM-free diets as "animal studies indicate serious health risks including infertility, infant mortality, immune problems, accelerated aging, insulin regulation and changes in major organ systems and the gastrointestinal system" with pregnant women and babies the most likely to be adversely affected. Link provides download to GMO-free shopping guide pocket book: unless it says organic or GM-free, avoid all soy, corn, cottonseed, canola oil, sugar from sugarbeets. To read more,
Sign the petition to government to have GM labelling on foods:

Child Diabetes (Type 1) cases to double by 2020

Researchers from Ireland and Hungary published in The Lancet say genetics cannot account for the rapid rise and lifestyle factors such as rapid weight gain early in life, foods with a high content of sugars, bottle-fed babies (breastfed babies have decreased risk), babies born by Caesarean section, children of older mums all increase the risk. To read more,

Natural Pet Health Care

Finally everything you've wanted to know to optimize your pet's health and longevity. To read more,

Breast Cancer Deception

An eye-opening report on breast cancer that is a must read for all women, including
  • Breast cancer is 90% preventable through deliberate changes in foods and lifestyle.
  • Chemotherapy only works on 1 - 2% of breast cancer patients.
  • The No. 1 cause of breast cancer is chronic vitamin D deficiency. Get a blood test by your GP.
  • Ten women are harmed by mammography for every one woman who is helped by it due to the radiation and tissue damage.
  • Countless false positives happen every year. You should always get a second opinion for a cancer diagnosis.
  • Many of the largest breast cancer non-profit organisations/charities are fronts for pharmaceutical companies manufacturing and selling chemotherapy drugs.
To read more,

Saturday, May 30, 2009

How Safe Is The Pill?

Studies in recent years have found that birth control pill use increases risk of cervical cancer, increases risk of breast cancer in pre-menopausal women, increases risk of blood clots and stroke, lowers bone density causing thinner bones and greater risk of osteoporosis later in life, impairs muscle gains in women, interferes with a protein that keeps testosterone unavailable leading to long term sexual dysfunction including decreased desire and arousal, increases artery plaque build-up that raises risk of heart disease. To read more, and

Probiotics During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Help Women Lose Weight

Women given supplements containing Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium from their 1st trimester of pregnancy until they stopped exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months were associated with less central obesity, defined as a body mass index (BMI) of >30 or a waist circumference of >80 cm. Previous research from 17th European Congress on Obesity in Netherlands May 6-9 2009 found that microbial populations in the gut are different between obese and lean people and that when obese people lose weight their microflora changes. Microflora in obese people are much more efficient at extracting calories from food, thus contributing to weight gain. Research shows probiotics given in pregnancy and infancy help protect babies from developing eczema, prevent childhood allergies, optimize infant's weight later in life, reduce colic (decreasing crying times by 75%), reduce risk of premature labour. To read more,

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Top 10 Healthy Foods that won't Break the Bank

"I can't afford to be healthy" is a poor excuse with these top 10 inexpensive healthy foods:
1. Eggs - even free range is $1.10 per serve
2. Turkey - cheaper than chicken and good protein
3. Oats - low GI, about 28c per serve!
4. Canned beans eg. kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils $1.50 per can
5. Apples - see earlier article for their antioxidant value
6. Asian greens - Bok choy, choy sum, Chinese cabbage, about $1.50 per bunch
7. Red Lentils - about $2 for a whole bag, no need to pre-soak, add to soups, stews, casseroles
8. Pumpkin - lots of betacarotene, low GI, cheap!
9. Raw walnuts - seem expensive at $6 for 250gm bag but daily serve of 30gm is 76c so they work out cheaper than potato chips and very high in omega 3 oils
10. Raw almonds - as above with walnuts, high in calcium too
To read more,

Middle Age Abdominal Fat linked to Frailty Later in Life

A Finnish study published in the European Heart Journal of more than 1000 men found the highest risk of death and illness in those who put on weight in their 40s or middle age. To read more,

New Sweetener Erythritol in VitaminWater Drinks

If you look at the ingredients of VitaminWater owned by Coca Cola, you might think it is moderately healthy. However, you will also notice that it is loaded with crystalline fructose, sucrose and a mysterious product called Erythritol. Basically a lot of sugars and not much health benefits! Erythritol is a sugar alcohol with fewer calories than sugar because it is not completely absorbed into the body which can lead to abdominal gas and diarrhoea. To read more,

Tuna is Getting More Toxic

The rate of mercury contamination and other Pacific fish has increaed 30% since 1990. The increase is a direct result of China's rapid industrialization, with mercury content expected to increase another 50% by 2050 if China continues to build more coal-fired power plants. The data comes from a new study by the USA Geologic Survey.
For more information,

Friday, May 22, 2009

Some Baby Foods are Worse than Junk Food

Some baby foods contain as much sugar and fats as chocolate cookies or cheeseburgers. The Children's Food Campaign (USA) examined the nutritional content of 107 baby and toddler foods and found many contained 29% sugar, trans fats (linked with heart disease), high in salt. Even some of the organic baby foods either were high in salt, packaged in plastic containers containing BFAs, were very expensive. They noted there is one option that is affordable, tasty and healthy: making your own. For more information,

IVF twins 'sicker' in early life

Experts suggest that IVF tiwns face more health problems in early life than naturally conceived twins. A study found that these babies were far more likely to be admitted to neonatal intensive care and to be hospitalised in their first year of life. For more information,

Friday, May 15, 2009

Women 'fight off disease better'

A Canadian study indicates that the female sex hormone oestrogen gives women's immune systems added bite at fighting off infection. Oestrogen seems to counter an enzyme that blocks the inflammatory process.
To read more go to:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

An Apple a day really can keep the doctor away...

In the latest scientific review on apples, apples are shown to be protective for cancers of the colon, lung and breast - as well as to reduce the risk of heart disease, asthma and type 2 diabetes. The high antioxidant capacity of apples is believed to be one of the reasons for their impressive disease fighting potential.

To read more go to

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Poor Diet, Low Exercise Leads to Breast Cancer in Later Years, Monday, May 04, 2009 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

A poor diet and a lack of exercise in childhood significantly increase a girl's risk of breast cancer later in life, according to the findings of a study conducted by researchers from the European Cancer Prevention Organization, presented at the conference of the European Society for Medical Oncology and published in the journal Pediatrics.

Vitamin D hope in prostate cancer

Vitamin D is an effective treatment for some prostate cancer patients, say UK researchers. To read more,

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sports drinks corrode your teeth

Dental experts placed teeth in sports drinks and in water to compare the effects, and they found the sports drinks caused corrosion that could result in severe tooth damage if left untreated. Brushing teeth immediately after the drinks would actually compound the problem, because the citric acid in the drink softens tooth enamel, leaving it vulnerable to abrasive brushing. To read more,