Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Low Vitamin D Linked to Breast Cancer Risk

The results of studies indicate that sufficient endogenous vitamin D levels may have a protective function on mammary cells, reducing breast cancer risk. When vitamin D levels are reduced for a long period, the mammary cell physiology may be altered including local 1,25(OH)2D synthesis & the regulation of growth factors and other hormones. Perez-Lopez et al, Reprod Sci 2009 Jan; 16(1): 7-19.

People on Cholesterol-Lowering Medication with Muscle Pain Are Deficient in Vitamin D

Patients with statin-induced muscle pain had lower blood levels of vitamin D and the muscle pain was reversed by vitamin D supplementation to correct a deficiency. Ahmed W et al, Transl Res 2009 Jan; 153(1):11-16.

Obesity: an Abnormal Adaptive Winter Response Triggered by Low Vitamin D?

A fall in Vitamin D has been shown in studies thta it may be the stimulus for the winter response of accumulation of fat mass. Thererfore it may be possible to reverse the increasing prevalence of obesity by improving vitamin D status. Foss YJ, Med Hypotheses 2009 Mar;72(3):314-321.

Low Vitamin D Levels in Blood Correlate with Asthma Severity in Children

Research has shown that vitamin D deficiency in children aged 6-14 years of age is associated with increased markers of allergy and asthma. If you have children with asthma or allergies, get a blood test done with your doctor: need >80. Brehm JM et al, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009 May 1;179(9):765-771.

Expectant Mums Reduce Infant Allergy With Fish Oils

Research has shown that Omega 3 supplementation in pregnancy & lactation can decrease the risk of food allergy and IgE-associated eczema during the 1st year of life in infants with a family history of allergic disease. Furuhjelm C et al Acta Paediatr 2009 Sep;98(9):1461-1467.

Swine Flu Vaccine in Sweden

Yesterday Sweden started releasing the Swine Flu vaccine and has already had 190 people experiencing such severe side effects that the needed hospitalisation. As usual, this is most likely only the tip of a rather large iceberg. Also 1 person has died after the vaccine injection but authorities are denying any “direct relation with the injection” as yet. The biggest medical scandal in the history of Sweden has just started. What about the rest of the world? Safety requirements for vaccine development and testing procedures before release to the public have been reduced to speed up the vaccine into public use, with much higher levels of mercury allowed than normal vaccines.

What You Didn't Know About Fiji Water

Fiji's military junta has been declared unconstitutional by the country's second highest court; in response, it has abolished the judiciary, banned unauthorized public gatherings, delayed elections until 2014, and clamped down on the media.

The slogan on Fiji Water's website -- "And remember this, we saved you a trip to Fiji" -- seems like a dark joke to those who are aware of the conditions there. Fiji Water is now America's leading imported water. The company has spent millions pushing its environmental credibility and charity work.

But nowhere in Fiji Water's glossy marketing materials will you find reference to the typhoid outbreaks that plague Fijians because of the island's faulty water supplies, the corporate entities that Fiji Water has set up in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg, or the fact that its signature bottle is made from Chinese plastic in a diesel-fueled plant and hauled thousands of miles. And, of course, you won't find mention of the military junta for which Fiji Water is a major source of global recognition and legitimacy. To read more,

Monday, October 26, 2009

Daily Sweets & Chocolate in Childhood Linked to Violence in Adulthood

Research shows children who eat sweets and chocolate every day are more likely to be violent as adults. To read more, BBC News September 30, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

10 Best Pollution Filter Houseplants

Houseplants have been shown to filter indoor air by removing toxins and particles. Tests done by NASA showed markedly better air quality and they may also offer some protection against electromagnetic radiation. The top 10 plants include the Feston Rose plant, Devil’s Ivy, Phalaenopsis, English Ivy, Parlor Ivy, African Violets, Christmas Cactus, Yellow Goddess, Garlic Vine, Peace Lily. To read more, The New Ecologist July 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is Your Beauty Routine Causing Long-Term Health Damage?

Do you enjoy a shampoo with a rich lather? A shaving cream that really foams? Relaxing in a tub full of bubbles? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate & Sodium Myreth Sulfate produce a lot of foam very inexpensively. But SLS is so strong that it's also used to scrub garage floors. Studies show it stays in the body for up to five days, it easily penetrates the skin and enters and maintains residual levels in the heart, liver, the lungs, and the brain and is another chemical associated with cancer long-term. Use SLS-free products or the old bar soap. To read more, Organic Consumers Association October 1, 2009
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, November 10, 1997

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chia Seeds: New Superfood

Chia seeds have been consumed by Native Americans, Mayans & Aztecs but are now grown in Western Australia & are widely available in health food stores. They are very high in Omega 3 oils, approx. 20% protein (complete with all amino acids), B vitamins, calcium & other minerals, antioxidants. They absorb more than 9x their weight in water, forming a gel which slows down their digestion & thus, are low glycaemic, lower cholesterol & high in soluble fibre so good for constipation as well as preventing colon cancer. You only need 1tsp-1Tb/day added to cereal, porridge, smoothies, yoghurt, juices or gel once soaked in glass of water for 1/2 hr can be added to sauces as thickener.

Anti-Depressants SSRI in Pregnancy Damages Foetus

New study confirms earlier reports of doubling of risk for septal heart defects in newborn babies after early exposure in pregnancy to SSRI anti-depressants, especially in the 1st trimester. To read more, Pedersen LH et al. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pregnancy and congenital malformations: Population based cohort study. BMJ 2009 Sep 23; 339:b3569. (; Chambers C. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and congenital malformations. BMJ 2009 Sep 23; 339:b3525. (

Vitamin D Doubles Colon Cancer Survival

Higher blood levels of vitamin D may double survival rates of colorectal cancer patients, according to a new study. Next time you see your GP ask for a blood test of vitamin D and your level should be at least >80; anythign less than this is deficient. To read more, British Journal of Cancer September 15, 2009; 101(6):916-23

Artifical Sweeteners More Dangerous Than You Ever Imagined

Nutrasweet & Equal are the brand names for Aspartame found in any "diet" product & is 180 times as sweet as sugar. Documented side effects include migraines, convulsions & seizures, mood disorders, skin rash & hives, insomnia, abdominal cramps & pain, nausea, diarrhoea & vomiting, fatigue & muscle weakness, dizziness & poor equilibrium, joint pain, hallucintaions, memory loss, changes in heart rate, depression, vision changes, neuropsychiatric disorders, epilepsy, cancerous cell changes as well as increased risk of brain & spinal cord cancer in babies whose mothers consumed aspartame during pregnancy or breastfeeding. To read more, National Cancer Institute SEER Program Data, Jellinger, K.E. et al. “Primary Central Nervous System Lymphomas: An Update” J Nat Cancer Inst 84 (1992): 414-422; Gurney, J.G., Pogoda, J.M., and Holly, E.A. “Aspartame Consumption in Relation to Childhood Brain Tumor Risk: Results from a Case-Control Study” Natl Cancer Inst 89 (1997): 1072-1074

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Importance Of Iodine

According to Professor Creswell Eastman at Westmead Hospital, most people in Australia are iodine deficient. Unfortunately, just replacing salt with iodised salt will not meet the optimum daily intake levels for the average adult & certainly not for pregnant women. The most reliable source of iodine outside of supplements comes from consumption of oysters, seaweed & salt water fish. Use dried seaweed such as seaweed sprinkles available from health food stores or nori, toasted in sheets in the oven & crumbled into salads - the salty flavour is great with potatoes, noodles and seafood bisques or paella. When seeking out ocean fish, avoid bluefin tuna and opt for leatherjacket or ocean jacket, mackerel, sardines. 3 serves of seafood and seaweed/wk is sufficient. To read more,

FDA Warns About Eyelash Thickener Claims

Many women who used to use eyelash extensions are now using eyelash thickeners and exposing themselves to risks. To read more,

Hepatitis B Vaccine Triples the Risk of Autism in Infant Boys

A new study has shown that giving Hepatitis B vaccine to newborn baby boys more than triples their risk of developing an autism spectrum disorder. To read more, Annals of Epidemiology September 2009: 19(9); 659

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lack of Sleep Contributes to High Blood Pressure

Shorter sleep duration was associated with significantly increased risk of elevated systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Margaret Thatcher famously got by on just four hours of sleep but most adults typically need between seven and nine hours of sleep. To read more, Knutson KL et al. 1. Arch Intern Med 2009; 169(11): 1055-61

What's All the Hype About Acai Berries?

There are ludicrous and over-inflated claims about this tiny South American berry but reading the resaerch it does have high antioxidant potential, essential fatty acids, complete amino acid (protein) profile, high in nutrients eg. more vitamin C than blueberries. What's important is the source and manufacture - don't bother with liquid drinks or tablets, only use freeze dried 100% acai powder.

Muscle is Hard to Build and Easy to Lose

As you age, it becomes harder to keep your muscles. However, weight training may "rejuvenate" muscle blood flow and help retain muscle for older people. To read more, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition September 9, 2009

Why Vegetables Makes You Smarter

Researchers have found that individuals with a high daily intake of vegetables and fruits also demonstrate higher cognitive performance. Note: vegetables are mentioned first because they are FAR more important than fruits. Subjects with a high intake (about 400 grams per day) had higher antioxidant levels, lower indicators of free radical-induced damage, and better cognitive performance. The findings were independent of age, gender, body mass index, and level of education. To read more, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease August 2009: 17(4); 921-927

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Natural Sweetener Stevia Approved for Use in Foods

Finally Australian Food Authorities have approved Stevia, a natural sweetener, which up until recently, was only available in health food stores. As an alternative to sugar & dangerous artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame, Sucralose or Saccharin, stevia is an all natural kilojoule-free sweetener, a herb that South American native tribes have been using for generations. It is extremely resistant to heat, can be used for cooking & baking, sweetens up to 300 times more than traditional sugar, helps prevent dental plaque, is fluoride-compatible and contains no calories or carbohydrates.

Allergy Linked to Obesity in Children and Adolescents

New research has uncovered that obesityin childhood and adolescence increases inflammation and allergy risks. To read more, Visness CM, London SJ, Daniels JL, Kaufman JS, Yeatts KB, Siega-Riz AM, et al. Association of obesity with IgE levels and allergy symptoms in children and adolescents: results from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey 2005-2006. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009 May;123(5):1163-1169.

Vitamin A Low in Asthmatic Adults & Children

Asthma risk and severity inceases in both adults and children if they are deficient in vitamins A & C. Vitamin A is essential for lung development and retards against lung inflammation. To read more, Allen S, Britton JR, Leonardi-Bee JA. Association between antioxidant vitamins and asthma outcome measures: a systemic review and meta-analysis. Thorax 2009 Jul;64(7):610-619; Al Senaidy AM. Serum vitamin A and beta-carotene levels in children with asthma. J Asthma 2009 Sep;46(7):699-702