Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mushrooms & The Vitamin D Link

For one of the sunniest, most temperate countries in the world, Australia has an increasingly high rate of Vitamin D deficiency. A shortage of this important fat soluble vitamin has been linked to a number of health issues such as diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, depression and certain cancers. While the warnings of excess sunshine have been well and truly heeded, many Australians are going so far to slip, slop, slap that we are actually blocking benefits of regular time spent outdoors. According to research, 41% of people in SE Qld, 67% of Tasmanian women & 58% of aged care residents in Melbourne were Vitamin D deficient, not to mention 83% of dermatologists in the winter time!
Surveyed Australians consume around 25% of the recommended 10mcg of Vitamin D per day but at age 70 the body needs 15 mcg/day. Very few foods naturally contain Vitamin D, mainly oily fish, egg yolks & some fortified foods. Research has shown that mushrooms growing naturally in the wild contain Vitamin D. Commercially grown mushrooms, however, have little Vitamin D. The Australian Mushroom Industry began a small trial in Dubbo in 2007 "to test the effect of UV lights during the growing stage". We look forward to new and improved mushrooms in the future!