Monday, August 26, 2013

Yasmin Pill- Do you know what you are really taking?

The bestselling contraceptive pill called Yasmin and it's sister version, Yaz, promise to regulate your periods, give you clear skin and erradicate syptoms of PMS-like mood swings. What is not stated on the packet is the high risk of blood clots, up to three times that of other contraceptives. A 2011 Danish study of 1.3 million women, conducted over nine years and published in the Britsh Medical Journal, found that a woman's risk of blood clot is six times higher when taking either Yaz or Yasmin compared to women not taking a contraceptive at all. Most women I consult are unaware of this danger. See my blog in May 2012 on the contraceptive pill.

Blood clots are lethal especially in young women taking this pill. They can either cause a heart attack, triger a stroke in the brain or blocks breathing in the lungs. Blood clots can also cause blindness by lodging in the artery behind the eyes. As of 2013, 13 500 lawsuits have been served in the USA against the manufacturer Bayer despite both these pills continuing to be available in Australia. Bayer has already paid out $720 million due to inadequate warnings of the blood clot risks. Due to current legal proceedings, Bayer Australia will not comment on these claims. Despite this serious side effect, Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration ( TGA) has no current plans to stop the sale of these drugs.

What is also not advertised are the other common side effects of depression, anxiety and migraines which can start immediately or as a delayed reaction months after taking it. Professor Kulkarni, director of the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre at Monash University, Victoria says that this is due to the specific mix of hormones. Often women who come and see me do not realise that it could be the pill causing their depression and blame themselves instead. According to internet chat rooms, some women have found that their symptoms continue even after they have stopped using Yasmin or Yaz.

If you are experiencing any of these side effects, never fear. There are many herbal and nutritional supplements which can alleviate your symptoms and rebalance your hormones faster. There are also natural alternatives for contraception without these dangers to your health. I suggest either a Femcap which is a latex-free cervical cap or Natural Fertility Managment which involves understanding your fertile times using symptothermal charting. Both these methods are as effective as the pill when used correctly.

By Claudette Wadsworth 
BHSc, BA, Adv DN, Nut D, DRM, PostGrad NFM, MATMS, MNHAA

Naturopath, Nutritionist, specialist in Women's Health and Fertility
Bondi Junction 02 9389 3689 and Sydney CBD 02 9268 9000