Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Daily Sex Boosts Sperm Quality But Reduces Count

Dr David Greening, from Sydney IVF, speaking at the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology: 8 in 10 men in the study showed a 12% drop in sperm DNA damage (morphology) after 7 days of daily ejaculation. However, there was also a big drop in sperm numbers (count) from 180 million to 70 million, so this would not be recommended for males with a low sperm count to start with. Sperm also became more active with a small rise in motility. The theory is the longer sperm are in the testes the more likely they are to accumulate DNA damage from free radicals and the warm environment could also make them more sluggish. He warns that having daily sex for too long - say a fortnight - would probably cut sperm numbers too much but recommended daily sex around the time the woman is ovulating. To read more,