Thursday, October 15, 2009
Chia Seeds: New Superfood
Chia seeds have been consumed by Native Americans, Mayans & Aztecs but are now grown in Western Australia & are widely available in health food stores. They are very high in Omega 3 oils, approx. 20% protein (complete with all amino acids), B vitamins, calcium & other minerals, antioxidants. They absorb more than 9x their weight in water, forming a gel which slows down their digestion & thus, are low glycaemic, lower cholesterol & high in soluble fibre so good for constipation as well as preventing colon cancer. You only need 1tsp-1Tb/day added to cereal, porridge, smoothies, yoghurt, juices or gel once soaked in glass of water for 1/2 hr can be added to sauces as thickener.